
# Balgaddy

All time
Man avoids jail for assisting perpetrators of meat cleaver attack
Locals mount opposition to new mosque planned in Lucan
Remedial work begins on 'poor quality' council homes with mould issues in south Dublin
19-year-old shop assistant charged with the murder of a man in Dublin
Teen arrested after man (50s) dies in west Dublin stabbing
Vandalism in south Dublin continues despite €20,000 investment in CCTV system
Six arrested after raids on houses across south Dublin
Overcrowding, severe mould, rotting wood: The issues with this Celtic Tiger council estate haven't gone away
Local families locked out of community garden by parish
Ireland is facing a human rights case over the awful state of social housing here
Cocaine and firearm seized at house in west Dublin
Council demands builder contribution to costs at mould-ravaged development