STAYING HEALTHY AND fit is hard. But there are ways to make it a slightly easier on yourself.
You still have to do the work, obviously, but a little motivational message, workout tip, meal idea or just a sense of online camaraderie could make all the difference in you keeping a figurative shoulder to the wheel or falling off the wagon and into an emotional puddle of ice cream.
With its use of vivid imagery or video with room for lengthy messages; Instagram has become the favoured network for those wanting to (show off or) share their secrets with the world.
Below are nine that we think are useful and more than just big dudes who say you too can get RIPPED real fast.
Click on the heading to follow a link through to the Instagram page.
He goes a bit heavy on the vegan propaganda at times (if you’re into that sort of thing you won’t mind too much) but in general this Ironman competitor is a solid source of motivation and uber healthy meal ideas.
A great source of exercises if you want to mix up your current routine. On the page you’ll often illustrations of good technique with short, snappy videos.
Getting ripped and staying there is just what this guy does. The below post is detailing how he plans his meals four days in advance. Top tip (especially if it allows you to squeeze a pizza in).
What it says on the tin. This account is full of posts like the below, with in-depth illustrations of circuits or good technique of individual exercises.
9 fitness freaks you should be following on Instagram
STAYING HEALTHY AND fit is hard. But there are ways to make it a slightly easier on yourself.
You still have to do the work, obviously, but a little motivational message, workout tip, meal idea or just a sense of online camaraderie could make all the difference in you keeping a figurative shoulder to the wheel or falling off the wagon and into an emotional puddle of ice cream.
With its use of vivid imagery or video with room for lengthy messages; Instagram has become the favoured network for those wanting to (show off or) share their secrets with the world.
Below are nine that we think are useful and more than just big dudes who say you too can get RIPPED real fast.
Click on the heading to follow a link through to the Instagram page.
Fitness is about diet and exercise in pretty equal measure, so FeltByHart is a good way to start the cycle off right.
The site specialises in healthy breakfasts, often in impressive looking glass presentation like this little mango and avocado number.
He goes a bit heavy on the vegan propaganda at times (if you’re into that sort of thing you won’t mind too much) but in general this Ironman competitor is a solid source of motivation and uber healthy meal ideas.
A great source of exercises if you want to mix up your current routine. On the page you’ll often illustrations of good technique with short, snappy videos.
Forgive the American-English spelling and you’ll be treated to no end of tasty and filling meal ideas… or at least pictures of them.
The Australian self-professed gym junkie is almost a one-stop shop for food advice, motivation and tough dynamic work-out routines.
Here’s one she made earlier.
Getting ripped and staying there is just what this guy does. The below post is detailing how he plans his meals four days in advance. Top tip (especially if it allows you to squeeze a pizza in).
A hub for women who know that lifting weights doesn’t mean bulking up.
It’s ones for the ladies, but who knows what the male of the species might learn along the way.
Great tutorial videos like this, motivation, meals… what more do you need.
What it says on the tin. This account is full of posts like the below, with in-depth illustrations of circuits or good technique of individual exercises.
5 of our favourite fitness apps for April
Is grunting at the gym really necessary?
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Diet Exercise exercise tips Fitness Instagram