
# latte levy

All time
Cafe owner: We are being persecuted by the 'latte levy' due to come in
Peter & Elaine Shanahan
New polling finds widespread support for 20c levy on disposable cups
Circular Economy Act signed into law with disposable cup levy due before end of year
Majority of Irish people don't support a ban on recyclable coffee cups, survey finds
Poll: Would a 20c surcharge stop you from using single-use coffee cups?
20c charge for single-use coffee cups set to be brought in later this year
Poll: Do you use a reusable cup?
Coffee shops roast the Government for taking ‘easy way out’ with latte levy
22,000 coffee cups are disposed of in Ireland every hour
Latte levy and reusable cup discounts could reduce our plastic cup waste by 250,000 a day