
# bernard o'shea

All time
Bernard O'Shea got the cutest letter from a little girl who loves Dancing With The Stars
5 of the best lines from the first episode of Bridget and Eamon
This Republic of Telly sketch will put the fear of God into you about your TV licence
Republic of Telly's Sherlock parody Surelook is back and it might be even better than the first
Irish Sherlock parody is Republic of Telly's finest work yet
Republic of Telly's portrayal of RTÉ's Irish language department is absolutely perfect
12 Years of Job Bridge nails the experience of every intern ever
There's a delicious new mineral on the market... Offaly Orange!
Republic of Telly host meets Rubberbandits and pukes on Bláthnaid in debut sketch
Here's what Twitter had to say about 2fm's brand new breakfast show
Nicky Byrne announced as new 2fm mid-morning host
Jennifer Maguire and Bernard O'Shea confirmed as new 2FM breakfast hosts
Keith of 'Joe & Keith' fame is third member of new 2FM breakfast team
Kodaline join Bernard O'Shea to sing 22 Verses Song on Republic of Telly
Watch: How an Irish comedian practices his act
VIDEO: 'You know you're Irish when...'
VIDEO: If you grew up in the 80s, you'll like this