
# billion

All time
Elon Musk's €41 billion bid to buy Twitter gets unanimous approval from shareholders
Gardaí issue warning ahead of Black Friday as €4 billion worth of online sales expected in next month
€1.5 billion to go into a Rainy Day Fund
Poll: Should we take the Apple money?
It's official: Apple has sold a billion iPhones
Apple is expected to announce a major milestone tonight
The controversy around Nama's property deal has just gotten deeper
McDonald's has seen annual profits fall by 15% in the last year
€2.3 billion needed for water infrastructure as closing date looms
European loan of €100 million to give power to the south-west
Four years, 10,000 units: Here's how the Government plans to boost social housing
Ryanair's new planes will have more seats AND leg room
Whiskey's going to be bringing a lot of dosh to Ireland over the next 10 years...
German ECB economist urges Ireland to stick to €3.1 billion target
Dell looking to trim costs by more than $2 billion. But how?
World's population to hit seven billion this year...