
# dyslexia

All time
Opinion: Neurodiversity could be a powerful tool to help re-shape the world
AlanJames Burns
Opinion: 'After my dyslexia diagnosis, seeing myself as limited wasn't an option'
Kyra Menai Hamilton
Call for change in language requirements for garda recruits with dyslexia
'Huge positive impact', 'very problematic': Mixed reactions to Irish exemption rule changes
Holly Willloughby got super honest about her dyslexia on This Morning
A lad with dyslexia from Kildare drew an excellent portrait of Robin Williams for a lovely reason
'Boxer' Moran: 'Yes, I have difficulties with reading, but I am as clever a man as you will ever meet'
Student with dyslexia brings fresh High Court appeal to secure help for Leaving Cert exams
Dyslexic student launches High Court action after being denied exam support
This is what reading looks like when you have dyslexia
'I found out I was dyslexic in the 90s. Deep down I knew I wasn’t as ‘stupid’ as I was made to feel in school'
Ross O'Neill
'When I was finally diagnosed, I realised I wasn't stupid'
Online programme helps children with dyslexia and reading issues
Column: The emotional fallout of dyslexia is often overlooked
Deirdre Griffin