
# intern

Last year
Are you a student or recent graduate? Work with us on a paid Google News Initiative fellowship
All time
Students and recent graduates: The Journal is offering a paid Google News Initiative fellowship this summer
Students: How to make the most out of an internship (and avoid the unscrupulous employers)
Ruairi Kavanagh
15 struggles you'll only understand if you've been an unpaid intern
The man who wrote Windows Solitaire was an intern who never made royalties from it
This official Bill Clinton portrait contains a subtle reference to THAT dress
Opinion: JobBridge has very vocal critics, but it's delivering results for thousands of young people
Séamus Conboy
Image magazine comes in for harsh criticism for unpaid PA internship
Watch Jennifer Maguire put a poor intern through the wringer on The Fear
So what happens when you leave an intern in charge of a busy airport runway?
Column: I've entered the Church of Burton ... Yes, I am now a JobBridge intern
Catherine W
Column: Unpaid internships, low wages, zero hour contracts – this is life without job security
John Verling
These interns made some terrible mistakes
17-year-old takes up Facebook job offer
Must love horses...Rubberbandits want an intern
The Daily Fix: Tuesday
Not Actually Winning: Belfast student's claim a prank