
# Jared Lee Loughner

All time
Gunman gets life for Arizona shooting that wounded Congresswoman
Jared Lee Loughner pleads guilty to Arizona shooting rampage
In pictures: Giffords leads remembrance of Arizona shooting
Giffords speaks fluently in first TV interview since shooting
Arizona shooting suspect back in court for mental health hearing
Giffords discharged from hospital five months after shooting
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords faces uncertain future as recovery from shooting continues
Judge rules Arizona shooting suspect Loughner mentally incompetent to stand trial
Gabrielle Giffords is 'standing on her own', doctors say
Arizona shooting suspect to undergo psychiatric evaluation
Jared Lee Loughner pleads not guilty to dozens of federal charges in Gabrielle Giffords shooting
Jared Lougner pleads not guilty to Arizona shooting charges
Giffords to be moved to Texas for physiotherapy
Gabrielle Giffords' husband thought his wife had died when he saw TV news
Arizona shooting victim (9) to be buried
Loughner parents: 'We don't understand why this happened'
Giffords shooting suspect Jared Loughner appears in court
Arizona observes silence in memory of shooting victims
One man charged with attempted assassination of Gabrielle Giffords