
# Marco Rubio

All time
'Pathetically weak': Father of Florida victim lays into Republican senator over gun control
Trump, violence and one of the nastiest presidential campaigns ever
Donald Trump defends his manhood as insults fly in vicious Republican debate
Super Tuesday could make this man very happy
'You'd be selling watches': Donald Trump got a merciless slagging last night
Cruz campaign pulls US ad featuring softcore porn actress
Chris Christie dealt the resurgent Marco Rubio a huge blow with this drop-the-mic attack
He talked the talk, so just what went wrong for Donald Trump in Iowa?
Poll: Who do you want to be the next US President?
Meet Vermin Supreme, and the other 274 candidates for US president
Videos: Obama pledges to reignite economy, fix immigration, fight gun crime
Meet the candidates: Who will Mitt Romney pick as his running mate?