
# Nuclear

All time
Iran executes nuclear scientist accused of spying for the US
North Korea launched a missile that landed 250km off the coast of Japan
A new nuclear power station will be built 250 km from the Irish coast
This is the world's 'biggest and most powerful' icebreaker
Chilling two-minute video captures 'stunning decay' of Chernobyl exclusion zone
Train evacuated over bag of smelly meat
The billionaire hoping to send men to Mars says we'll need to nuke it first
North Korea has some pretty scary stuff to say about its nuclear weapons
Remember iodine tablets? You won't be getting them again
A nuclear submarine is on fire in Russia, but 'there's nothing to worry about'
A breakthrough's been reached in nuclear talks between Iran and the West
Why a mysterious black briefcase follows the US president everywhere
Ireland 'cannot rule out' nuclear power says the Energy Minister
Were there nuclear missiles stored in Northern Ireland?
If North Korea did hack Sony, it's a watershed moment in cyber-warfare
VIDEO: Drone captures haunting footage of Chernobyl ghost town
'No damage to any nuclear power stations' after strong quake hits Japan
Opinion: Is it time for Ireland to embrace nuclear energy?
Conor Farrell
Israeli PM warns nuclear-capable Iran poses greater threat than Islamic State
Here’s What Happened Today: Thursday
'No health threat to Irish people' as four UK nuclear reactors are shut down
Concerns raised about Irish nuclear risk
An Taisce loses legal challenge to British nuclear power station
Opinion: Nuclear energy is the cleanest, safest, and cheapest – why do we continue to reject it?
Peter Ferguson
Opinion: A green lifestyle is a nice but trivial gesture – we must focus on nuclear fusion
Lorraine Courtney
These shots reveal just how desolate Fukushima is now
Opinion: The King of Monsters, America, and the legacy of the bomb – will Godzilla be done justice?
Darren Mooney
28 years on and the struggle continues for those affected by the world's biggest nuclear disaster
'A ticking timebomb': contamination shield at Chernobyl delayed due to Ukrainian crisis
Warning that North Korea could be carrying out a new nuclear test
Green Party has 'maintained its shape under enormous pressure': Mark Dearey looks to Brussels
Boeing is allowed to sell spare aircraft parts to Iran - but not new planes
Meet the former Rainbow Warrior hoping to help the Greens surf back to electoral success...
Column: 'With a few surviving classmates, I stepped carefully over the dead and dying'
Jamie Walsh
Nuclear talks back on in Vienna --- but little optimism a deal can be agreed
Irish challenge against 'unlawful' British nuclear plant starts tomorrow
Israel blasts Iran nuclear deal as a 'historic mistake'
Iran deal wins praise, amid warnings next steps will be tougher
Obama: Iran nuclear deal 'an important first step'