
# Parliamentary Question

Last year
Some Irish prisoners facing waits of over two years to access mental health treatments
Short-term letting rules were 'destined to fail' after only 50 planning permissions granted
All time
90% of Irish motorists disqualified by a court in 2020 have not surrendered their licences
51 inmates in Irish prisons still 'slopping out' despite government pledge to end practice by this year
Government spends €5.2m on new aircraft to help Covid-19 response
'It's a perfect storm': Sharp rise in Rent Supplement payments raises concerns over post-Covid crisis
Almost 90% of motorists disqualified this year have not surrendered their licences
Thousands of social welfare recipients penalised over inadequate attempts to find employment
Defence Forces 'facing challenges' in fulfilling its gender targets
Labour's Alan Kelly has asked the Justice Minister if his phone is being tapped
Just 230 out of 750 mental health posts approved since 2015 have been filled
92 on-duty ambulances involved in road 'incidents' so far this year
Elderly people forced to wait over 24 hours in emergency departments of these 25 hospitals
Taxi! Ministers spent over €1.7m on taxis, car hire and limos in the last two years
Ireland's corporate watchdog is suffering from a chronic staff shortage
Ireland has spent over €133 million on referendums since the start of the century
Nearly €36 million in court fines unpaid in last four years
Female garda numbers have gone way up in the past decade
Half of sex offenders to be released this year have undergone no treatment
There are very, very few women in the Irish Army...
133 drivers in fatal crashes were not breathalysed last year
Did Gerry Adams want JobBridge expanded, not scrapped, just a few months ago?
No bank staff hit with higher USC charge on bonuses since 2011
Most of 500,000 identity cards in Ireland issued to social welfare claimants
30 former AIB senior execs asked to take pension reduction
Dáil won't allow Rabbitte to disclose breakdown of RTÉ payout over homophobia controversy
Gilmore raised concerns over US spying with embassy in Dublin this summer
26 Syrian refugees seek asylum in Ireland as violence escalates
Hundreds of families applying for grants to help cover high funeral costs
Over €72k spent on report evaluating Ireland's economic relationship with UK
Ireland ready for natural disaster despite 'budgetary situation'
Rehab CEO 'donates fees for State boards work to charity'
More than 15,000 contraband items seized in Irish prisons
Ministers can claim €3,500 tax refund for laundry expenses
We'll find out ‘within weeks’ exactly what property NAMA controls
Minister to investigate GPs who charge medical hard holders