
# Pat Breen

All time
'I've done nothing wrong': Pat Breen defends extending dinner invitation to broadband bidder's home to Naughten
Martin rounds on Breen over dinner invitation to NBP bidder's home: 'It is not a credible explanation'
Taoiseach says Breen extending national broadband bidder's dinner invitation to Naughten is 'not a resigning matter'
'Pat Breen asked a minister to meet a constituent and Naughten decided to go'
Breen invited Naughten to dinner at McCourt's house at broadband bidder's request
Ibrahim Halawa is in "reasonable spirits in trying circumstances"
"Confusion and chaos" reign as Irish politicians struggle to attend trial of Ibrahim Halawa
What was Gene Simmons from Kiss doing at Leinster House?
Number of Ebola cases could hit 20,000 within weeks
Concerns raised about some Irish businesses involved with Qatar World Cup
TDs head to Iran to discuss trade, human rights and the nuclear programme
Ireland's undocumented to be discussed during meeting of Foreign Affairs Committee
Where were the 38 TDs who didn’t vote on the abortion bill?
Tánaiste briefing Committee ahead of Foreign Affairs Council meeting
The Half Hour Fix: 1.30am