
# Rent Supplement

All time
Domestic violence survivors granted easier access to rent supplement on a permanent basis
Access to rent supplement for victims of domestic violence extended to the end of the year
Domestic violence victims given access to Rent Supplement without a means test
Rent Supplement payments rise by 33% since beginning of Covid-19 pandemic
Numbers on Rent Supplement payment up 20% since beginning of Covid-19 pandemic
'It's a perfect storm': Sharp rise in Rent Supplement payments raises concerns over post-Covid crisis
Woman who claimed landlord's son called her a 'black c**t' and had tenancy terminated awarded €12k
Just 8% of rental properties are available in Ireland within rent support limits
Woman on rent supplement 'placed under severe financial pressure' in eviction row awarded €5k
Just 8% of rental properties are available within rent support limits
Unemployed under-26s now have to pay less towards their rent supplement
People on rent supplement can't afford to rent 80% of properties
Rent supplement set to increase from this Friday
Joan Burton has a lot to say about Enda Kenny's 'cop-out' on abortion
Will landlords forego extra rent to help families on the brink of homelessness?
Here's how many people are getting the rent supplement in every county
Landlord convicted of breaking the law after accepting rent supplement
Sunday Independent, same-sex marriage and Snapchat: The week in numbers
Mother forced to live in one room with kids as mould takes over rented apartment
Rent supplement payments have fallen by more than €150 million since 2010
Here's a breakdown of how many people get rent supplement - county by county
€500m needed to tackle homelessness as 'ten children a week lose their home'
Many Irish families are closer to being homeless than ever
'The government needs to act now': Demand for homeless service up 25%
What counties have the highest number of people on rent allowance?
Rent allowance banned in Ballymun to "attain a good social mix"
In cases where work pays less than the dole ... 7 out of 10 people choose work
Homeless family to stage protest outside Joan Burton’s office today
Landlord who refused to register tenancy hit with €3,000 fine
New limits for rent supplement to kick in later this month
Cuts to rent supplement 'forcing people to become homeless'
Column: With so many empty houses, why are people still homeless?
Joyce Loughnan
Call for inquiry after €32m in state rental deposits goes missing
Column: Dark, damp room or the street – this is the choice faced by many
Bob Jordan
Column: Extreme poverty is right in front of us – and what are we doing?
Sr Stanislaus Kennedy
Cuts to rent supplement will lead to evictions, say property owners
Column: Landlords who don’t accept rent allowance are lazy – and classist
Lisa McInerney
Column: Rent supplement is supporting squalor – and keeping prices high
Ronan Lyons
One in 14 mortgages in 90 days' arrears
Claims for mortgage supplement now five times higher than in 2007