
# Roman Catholic

All time
Half a million have signed up to see the Pope - but how Catholic is Ireland?
Number of Roman Catholic marriages reducing but it's still the most popular type of ceremony
Pope Francis says he may consider allowing married men to become priests
Controversial Roman Catholic group Opus Dei names its new leader
A record six million people turned out to see the Pope today
Pope Francis has appointed 20 new cardinals (Spoiler: None are Irish)
Former Pope Benedict makes second secret trip outside Vatican
Pope celebrates fast-track sainthood of personal hero Pierre Favre
Pope faces delicate task in Brazil after protests
Why do Catholic cardinals wear scarlet for the conclave?
PHOTOS: Day 1 of the Vatican conclave to elect the next Pope
Dutch priest to display photos of Church quitters
Number of Catholics at record high, despite lowest percentage ever - CSO
Up to 20,000 children sexually abused says Dutch Catholic inquiry
Vatican kicks off countdown to beatification of John Paul II