
# Royal College of Surgeons

Last year
Skeleton of Irish 'giant' to be removed from display at London museum due to ethical concerns
All time
Irish researchers make discovery which may lead to epilepsy 'warning system'
The number of heart-related deaths rose significantly in Ireland after the 2008 crash
Newborn girls fare better than boys because of 'genetic advantage'
Report: Minimum unit price on alcohol would only affect 'heaviest drinkers'
575 points direct provision teen to meet minister about going to college
Assistants for doctors with no medical degree are being hired at Beaumont Hospital
Aaron McKenna: Why do the Irish courts not care about women?
Aaron McKenna
New gene could potentially prevent epileptic seizures
Govt urged to take action over jailed Bahraini doctors who trained in Ireland
Why do females fare worse than males with cystic fibrosis?
One-fifth of young adolescents hear voices, study reveals
Irish DNA atlas project launched