
# AA Ireland

All time
The Evening Fix: Saturday
Motor tax reform will require drivers to prove cars are off the road in advance
Bad news for drivers: petrol and diesel prices hit record highs
Half of drivers with penalty points think they were caught unfairly
Backbencher calls for examination of scrapping motor tax
Major surge in volume of illegal motor fuel seized by Revenue
One in eight drivers admit to collision or 'near miss' with cyclists
Price increases added €10 to fuel bills last month - AA
Motor tax will rise in Budget, minister confirms
Motorists face a 'grim budget' - AA Ireland
Drop in motor insurance premiums in 2011
Here's what to do if your car is flooded...
'Pay as you drive' system should replace motor tax, says TD
Camera installed in Dublin to catch drivers running red lights
One in five have recently travelled with drunk driver
One in twelve back outright ban for drivers on mobiles
AA Ireland launches nationwide anti-pothole petition
Nine per cent admit to surfing the web while driving
AA Ireland’s road rage survey: the figures in full
Half of Irish drivers admit to suffering road rage
40 jobs to be created by AA Ireland