
# Alan Hughes

All time
The lad behind Martin's Life did the best spoof of that ESB ad
TV3 presenter Alan Hughes just proposed to his boyfriend live on air
Alan Hughes just proposed to his boyfriend live on TV3 during a marriage equality discussion
TV3's Alan Hughes desperately tried to catch a cock on Ireland AM
Everyone's favourite ESB ad gets an absolutely hilarious update
These ESB ads from the 1980s will take you right back
TV3 and RTÉ enter Christmas jumper wars
TV3 is going to take on the Toy Show
Alan Hughes fails his driving test on camera
Katie Taylor kicks presenter’s ass in TV challenge, has a good laugh while she’s at it
Alan Hughes abseils live on TV with a camera strapped to his face
Any excuse to dig out the ESB 'Going Back' ad
Video: Coming home for Christmas? Let's crack out the ESB 'Going Back' ad