
# Amnesty International

All time
'Imagine getting rape threats when you open an app': The toll of online abuse on women
People were polled with the same questions as the Citizens' Assembly. Here's what they said
Young people's welcoming attitude towards refugees 'shows governments are out of touch'
'They beat me with an electric cable, while throwing water on me at the same time'
Deaths and abuse of migrants 'clearly linked' to EU policies, says Amnesty
Ibrahim Halawa's trial suspended for 25th time - but could the next hearing be the last?
'If men are caught, they are killed. If women are caught, they are raped'
Nobel Peace Prize winner released from Chinese prison after 8 years with late-stage cancer
'It is just reckless': US army lost track of $1bn worth of arms and military equipment in Middle East
'Hate and fear' by Trump, Duterte and others is bringing the world back to the 1930s, says Amnesty
Assad says defending Syria is more important than UN action against him
This is the before and after picture of a man who survived Syria's 'human slaughterhouse'
Philippines police 'being paid to kill drug dealers' says report
TDs to travel to Egypt tomorrow to meet with Ibrahim Halawa and Egyptian government
Dublin court unfreezes €100 million worth of Russian tycoon's assets after five year battle
Italy's 'get tough' approach to refugees leading to unlawful expulsions, ill-treatment - report
Six in ten people want abortion to be decriminalised in Northern Ireland
Free after 110 days: Irish citizen released from Iranian prison
'The blood was like a river': Syrian people speak of horrific torture they endured in prison
Hundreds of adults and children 'disappeared and tortured by Egyptian authorities'
Paschal Donohoe says there will be a referendum on abortion in the coming years
"It was a truly shocking sight – hundreds of human beings packed together like sardines in a tin"
'Two weeks ago my dad married me to a 70-year-old man who already has five wives'
Amnesty calls latest abortion pills case a 'grotesque spectacle'
50% more people were executed last year than in 2014
Two-week protest on the doorstep of power will aim to push abortion issue
'Mama Merkel' rules out closing the 'Balkan route' to Syrian refugees
Woman forced to work in Irish brothel to 'repay her debt'
Sexual health group targeted for helping a 10-year-old rape survivor seek an abortion
'In Ireland, Helen would go to jail': Graham Linehan speaks of wife's abortion after fatal foetal diagnosis
Human rights group calls for the west to stop supplying arms to those 'committing war crimes'
Man who became paralysed in jail to be executed tomorrow, despite maintaining his innocence
Sisters to be raped as punishment for brother running away with married woman
A lot of you don't know abortion carries a 14-year jail sentence
177,000 women have left Ireland for abortions since 1971
International eyes are going to be on Irish abortion laws today
The United Nations is shining a spotlight on this guy's human rights record
10-year-old girl raped by stepfather denied abortion in Paraguay
Halawa letter criticising Government 'shows the real hurt this kid is going through'
Woman jailed for miscarrying her baby is released