

All time
Entertaining kids can be tough. Here's how to survive the playcentre
Claire Micks
In a grown-up world, what can we learn from our kids at Christmas?
Claire Micks
'We're finally getting rid of the buggy. Here are 10 things I won't miss about it'
Claire Micks
We were better parents before smartphones
Claire Micks
Holidays over for another year? Here are 10 pluses to returning home that will cheer you up
Claire Micks
'My four year old is ready to start school, but am I?'
Claire Micks
12 things I wish someone had told me before having kids
Claire Micks
Should restaurants ban kids? Maybe not, but it's time for a line to be drawn
Claire Micks
Ice cream wars and the battle of the childhood bulge
Claire Micks
Will I ever adjust to the fact that my mother is gone?
Claire Micks
The New Parenting: Nowadays, are mum and dad the ones seen and not heard?
Claire Micks
Five presents you should never buy other people’s kids
Claire Micks
The 6 types of people you'll meet at your school reunion ( ...which one are you?)
Claire Micks
Am I alone in Mummy Martyr stakes? (Why are parents so bad at looking after themselves?)
Claire Micks
If Mum were here today, this is what I’d say to her this Mother's Day
Claire Micks
The pressure to breastfeed can be overwhelming and failure can be crippling
Claire Micks
The Government’s reaction to our childcare crisis: divide and conquer
Claire Micks
'The telly is the most effective, reliable and cheap form of babysitter known to man'
Claire Micks
Opinion: Good riddance to Black January – it hasn't been kind to us parents
Claire Micks
Column: Why am I working purely to keep my foot in the door?
Claire Micks
Opinion: The Urban Outfitters ‘thigh gap’ ad sparked a rage in me – have we learned nothing?
Claire Micks
Opinion: Why I love ‘Frozen’ (embarrassing and all as that may be to admit)
Claire Micks
Column: The Ghosts of Christmas Past – dealing with loss at Christmas
Claire Micks
Opinion: Goodbye Ray – we've been through a lot together (even though you don't know it)
Claire Micks
Opinion: Christmas – the season of sugar-laced tantrums, queues, and unreasonable demands
Claire Micks
A time to grieve? Why we should consider a statutory entitlement to compassionate leave
Claire Micks
Opinion: Detachment parenting – deliver, bond, and then deposit in creche
Claire Micks
Opinion: Something is fundamentally wrong when your kid’s shoes cost more than your own
Claire Micks
Opinion: The 'frozen eggs' debate is really a societal issue – don't vilify corporations over it
Claire Micks
Opinion: What’s with all the extreme fitness challenges?
Claire Micks
Opinion: Is it worse for your child to bite, or be bitten?
Claire Micks
Opinion: Losing a parent to dementia requires a unique form of emotional stamina
Claire Micks
Opinion: Next year there will be no ‘family holiday’ – there will be a ‘staycation’
Claire Micks
Opinion: How will Ireland's rise, fall and humble recovery affect us as a nation?
Claire Micks
Motherhood and Work: 'I accept that I'll never be Superwoman – I'll be Mediocre Mum'
Claire Micks
Opinion: The sudden death of a young woman is not any less tragic for her being an addict
Claire Micks
Opinion: Why I hate the part of me that needs to return to work
Claire Micks
Opinion: SALE! Why does this one word cause all logic to go out the window?
Claire Micks
Opinion: ‘Ah, yer not driving, are ya?!’ – The trials of being a non-drinker in Ireland
Claire Micks
Opinion: Bon Voyage! How to write an effective out of office message
Claire Micks