
# Brain

All time
Scientists find your brain spots grammar mistakes – even when you’re not aware
The Evening Fix... now with added awkward text messages
‘Human brain cells in mice’ technique could help tackle Parkinson’s
'Budding psychopaths' can be identified 'by how they react to people in pain'
This is what happens in your brain when you fancy someone
Smoking 'rots' brain - study
Global traumatic brain injury rates could be six times higher than thought - study
Brazilian worker survives bar through skull
Companies cease development of Alzheimer's drug after failure in late-stage trials
New gene could potentially prevent epileptic seizures
Florida teen recovering after being shot through head with spear
Cannabis use by adolescents hits brain areas associated with schizophrenia
Swiss scientists demonstrate mind-controlled robot
'Deep brain stimulation' technique could arrive in Ireland
Man shot 3-inch nail into his own brain - and didn't notice
Brain power begins to decline from age 45 - study
11 uncomfortable facts about how your IQ affects your life
The Daily Fix: Tuesday
The human brain 'rejects' negative thoughts
Dieting forces the brain to eat itself - report
Study finds that age-related memory loss "can be reversed"
'Significant abnormalities' in brains of cocaine users
The week in photos
Drug made from turmeric may help to treat strokes