
# Catholicism

All time
Archdiocese of Dublin proposes radical shake-up of First Communion ceremonies
Column: This wasn’t the Middle Ages, Bishop Kirby, it was the 1990s
Lisa McInerney
British Christians take religious dismissal cases to Strasbourg
Column: Ireland needs to become a fully secular state
Nathan Wheeler & Sean Cassidy
'Relic of the True Cross' stolen from Co Laois church
Big drop in number of Irish people who describe themselves as religious
Pope speaks of human weakness in sinful church
Column: Don’t just blame the Catholic Church for symphysiotomies – blame the doctors
Ruadhán Mac Aodháin
Kenny, Gilmore to host reception for high-ranking Catholic clergy
Anglican archbishop to speak as Eucharistic Congress focuses on unity
LGBT group to protest at Eucharistic Congress
Vatican criticises nun for her book about sexuality
Fianna Fáil voters most likely to be Catholic, survey shows
Head of 'Legion of Christ' admits knowing about priest's child seven years ago
PHOTOS: Vatican welcomes 26 Swiss Guards into world's oldest army
Brady never offered his resignation to the Vatican - Catholic Church
Tánaiste suggests Cardinal Brady should "not hold a position of authority"
Fr Brian D'Arcy 'censured by Vatican watchdog' - report
Vatican says nuns' group spends too much time on social justice
The Daily Fix: Thursday
Eucharistic Congress will offer 'crash course in Christianity'
Column: Cardinal Rules - The Easter epic
(Not) Cardinal Sean Brady
In full: Pope Benedict's Easter urbi et orbi address
Archbishop says Catholics should not fear 'bringing Jesus's message into the world'
Almost 2,000 volunteer for Eucharistic Congress
Pope meets Fidel Castro in Cuba
It's coming this summer - but what was the Eucharistic Congress like in 1932?
Vatican launches rare criminal probe into leaks
Anonymous claims responsibility for attack on Vatican website
Gilmore opens door for Vatican to relax embassy requirements
Tánaiste: We're not going to reverse Vatican embassy decision
Pope appoints 22 new Cardinals - including 18 who will pick his successor
Column: Cardinal Rules - On priests versus geeks
(Not) Cardinal Sean Brady
Column: Cardinal Rules - On 'pop' culture 2012
(Not) Cardinal Sean Brady
'Campaign for Conscience' lodges Supreme Court challenge to same-sex partnerships
Column: Cardinal Rules – There’s a guy outside my Tesco swears he’s Jesus
(Not) Cardinal Sean Brady
Column: Cardinal Rules – on Sinn Fein’s presidential campaign
(Not) Cardinal Sean Brady
Column: Why are the Catholics being bailed out by the Protestants?
Abie Philbin Bowman
New Roman Missal an 'own goal' by Catholic Church - priest