
# Democrat

All time
Congressman asks for forgiveness in TV ad after rape comments
Video: Osama bin Laden film accused of being Obama re-election stunt
Clint Eastwood and Jenna Jameson endorse Mitt Romney
Still got it: Bill Clinton viewed favourably by 66pc of Americans - poll
Congress fumes following revelation that US Olympic uniforms are made in China
Romney raises $35m more than Obama in June
Jury to begin deliberations in John Edwards case
Designer testifies at John Edwards trial over donations from 101-year-old
What's Obama's slogan going to be for the 2012 election?
Seventh advertiser suspends funding for Rush Limbaugh's show over "slut" comments
Watch: Barack Obama sings blues classic with Mick Jagger and BB King
Joe the Plumber wants to be a Congressman
New US Republican presidential hopeful used to be on Al Gore's team
US senator in Nevada resigns and will avoid questions over sex scandal
Rahm Emanuel elected Mayor of Chicago
One man charged with attempted assassination of Gabrielle Giffords
US congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shot point blank at public meeting