
# Eamon Gilmore

All time
Eamon Gilmore's 'job of work' is over, but what next for the Labour Party?
Enda says he's disappointed to see Gilmore go
VIDEO: In his last big interview, Gilmore firmly believed he'd be Labour leader in 2016
Too soon? The best Twitter reactions to Eamon Gilmore's resignation
Scapegoating, inevitable, the right thing to do - Everyone wants their say on Gilmore's resignation
Here's how Labour will select their new leaders
Eamon Gilmore to face two no-confidence motions
Labour senator: I'm tired of being bullied by Gilmore's henchmen
Enda Kenny refuses to rule out coalition with Sinn Féin or Fianna Fáil
How does the government deal with the 'loud and clear'' message of the voters?
Rabbitte: I'm sorry we weren't able to deliver on our promises
Joan Burton: The Labour Party has taken a shellacking from citizens
The Boston College tapes aren't going anywhere, except maybe to the PSNI
There was some pretty awkward canvassing at the Stephen's Green Luas stop this morning
Eamon Gilmore calls for support on UN Syria, but Russia's already said no
VIDEO: Gilmore on whether he still wants to be Taoiseach, running in 2016 and the reshuffle
Will Eamon Gilmore move from Foreign Affairs? 'It's a matter for himself' says Ferris
Gilmore on THAT water charges leaflet: 'What I was against then is what I'm against now'
Eamon Gilmore: 'I think we’ve had a bad couple of months'
Labour facing Euro wipeout, as latest polls show support collapse
Here's an interesting one, financially rewarding employees for saving costs
Standing beside Eamon Gilmore, Phil Prendergast says she still wants him to resign
Labour to push for "renewal" of coalition purpose
Ming: New garda whistleblower makes allegations about fake heroin dealing
Richard Haass is coming to Dublin for Northern Ireland talks
Minister: Trichet is disrespecting us by refusing to go before banking inquiry
€48,000 in funding for victims of Dublin-Monaghan bombings
PSNI chief to face questions on controversial 'on the runs' letters
UK Government: We welcome Sinn Féin's commitment to policing
Homeowners will find out this week what water charges they face
Eamon Gilmore: 'No, my leadership is not up for debate'
Noonan: Income tax burden will be eased next year, Gilmore: 'It's too soon to speculate'
Gilmore wants 'a genuinely free allowance' as Cabinet discusses how much you'll pay for water
Phil Prendergast will canvass with Gilmore - even though she doesn't want him to lead Labour
'Reasonably quickly': Kenny and Gilmore still can't say when they'll decide on water charges
Eamon Gilmore will be hoping Europe's top MEP can ease his Labour pains
Joan Burton's response: Eamon Gilmore is the leader of the Labour Party and I support him in that.
Gilmore: No, Phil... I'm not quitting