
# Elderly

All time
One third of Irish population forced to go without basic necessities
Are you over 50? Using the internet could help you fight off dementia
Homeless pensioner: 'I want to live the rest of my life with some dignity'
An 84-year-old woman has died after being hit by a lorry, a man has been arrested
Study finds old men's sperm is just as good as young men's
'It's not on the agenda': The government won't be getting rid of the Free Travel Scheme
"Absolutely none": Changes to Free Travel Pass are off the table, says Burton
Opinion: After seeing what my dad has gone through, I'm convinced we need an Ombudsman for the Elderly
Claire Micks
A little cynicism may be healthy, but too much can lead to dementia
There is only one respite bed per 450 people with dementia in Ireland
Abandoned: Haunting snapshots of a life once lived in rural Ireland
This charming robot helps older people stay in their own homes
An ageing population and lack of housing could cause headaches for the government
Poster encourages community to 'clobber' burglars with hurls and golf clubs
Missing Dublin man Seán Cunningham found safe and well
A helpline is the only contact some elderly people have with others
Elderly woman killed in Tipperary car crash
'Not enough nursing home beds to meet demand and it's only going to get worse'
‘Lay off older people’: Elderly grant cuts slammed as ‘sneaky’ and ‘mind-boggling’
618 kept in hospital over Christmas - despite being cleared by docs
Column: Families who assist their loved ones to die will continue to feel the full wrath of the law if it is not changed
Dr Eimear Spain
Charity warns ESB strike would 'hurt most vulnerable'
Ireland spends less of its social protection budget on old age benefit than anywhere in EU
Elderly man 'in shock' after robbery by four masked men
Volunteers sought for study on stress levels among dementia caregivers
'Grants for the elderly have been cut to the bone by this government'
NUIG recruiting participants aged 64 and over to test system that detects falls
There are some people who are really scared on Halloween - here's why
Dutch asked to volunteer so ageing relatives get care
VIDEO: Pensioners at today's protest believe the worst is yet to come
Thousands join pensioners’ protest against Budget cuts
Column: Is loneliness in old age inevitable? Not in a caring society.
Anne Dempsey
Too much red meat and iron supplements linked to Alzheimer's disease
Con artists net €30,000 in space of a week using new ATM scam
Older people in poverty 'picking between eating and heating'
Residents of nursing home to have HSE 'Fair Deal' funding removed