
# Equality

All time
Equality Authority: Surrogacy case goes to higher court
Gay marriage: Cork city council passes landmark motion in support
Labour TD 'taken aback' by homophobic email
The Evening Fix: Monday
Gay marriage: Shatter joins Gilmore in support
Column: How many votes does it take for a woman to get elected?
Niamh Gallagher
Constitutional convention warned to examine '21st century challenges'
Former MP who called gay relationships 'deviant' loses party whip
Column: Why shouldn’t women choose motherhood over a job?
Kate Katharina Ferguson
Column: Ireland is not a just society. The solidarity we need has been lost.
Fr Peter McVerry
Questions raised over new human rights and equality body
London 2012: Still no decision on eligibility for Saudi women
Romney denies deliberately bullying gay schoolmates
Poll: Should Ireland introduce same-sex marriage?
Column: Feminism is on the up again – but it needs to be for everyone
Clara Fischer
Obama breaks silence with full support for gay marriage
US vice-president Biden backs gay marriage
Government votes down FF bill on equality for gay teachers and doctors
Seanad to discuss equality for gay teachers and doctors
Jerry Buttimer: 'Being gay is not all of what I am'
Column: What kind of Constitutional Convention do you want?
Colin Harvey
Human rights and equality body should be independent - report
Labour conference to conclude after motions on abortion, Vatican
Column: Welcome to Ireland’s new cycle of inequality
Michael Taft
Only nine per cent of Irish Travellers are over 50
Liberian President defends anti-homosexual law
Column: What is wrong with the media? All the faces are the same.
Dil Wickremasinghe
Poll: Is discrimination against women a problem in Irish workplaces?
Catholic Church moves against gay marriage proposals
Column: Why should gay and lesbian teachers live in fear for their jobs?
Averil Power
Dolphins deserve rights as 'persons', experts say
Column: ‘I know I’m a woman, and my gender should be recognised’
Louise Hannon
Column: Accept it – ‘rape culture’ exists
Lisa McInerney
Column: Sex? No thanks, we’re Irish
Beth Wallace
Column: Feminists angry and humourless? Not the ones I know
Linda Kelly
NWCI chief quits over Govt's 'scant regard' for women's rights
Leinster House is 'unnatural' - Gilmore
European transgender forum to meet in Ireland
Traveller couple refused housing reaches settlement with local authority