
# Exchequer

All time
Property tax will raise around €500m - Taoiseach
The Daily Fix: Friday
Over 140,000 cigarettes seized at Dublin Airport
Publicans make demands to Government after protest
Cigarette sales fall by 10 per cent
Tax intake €2 billion higher than last year but still behind target
The Daily Fix: Tuesday
New social charge helps push income tax earnings up by a quarter
Tax take ahead of target
Cigarettes seized at Dublin Airport
The Daily Fix: Wednesday
Galway Airport begs government to reverse funding cuts
Galway airport facing closure due to funding cut
"So far so good" for exchequer figures, Noonan says
The Daily Fix: Monday
Exchequer returns show €7.1bn gap in first three months
Ireland 'could return to bond markets' this year
Exchequer returns in line with projected targets