
# Fertility

All time
Scientists grow sperm cells from skin
Walnuts 'improve sperm health' in men, say researchers
Column: Having children doesn’t define men, so why should it define women?
Abigail Rieley
Clinic announces first Irish pregnancy from new fertility technique
Baby boom: More babies born than in any year since 1891
Census shows family sizes are still declining - but at a slower pace
New research shows fatty foods impact quality of sperm, fertility
Pope says marriage is only place 'worthy' of conception
Study finds young women have egg-producing stem cells after all
Column: ‘Deep down, I am still angry at the unfairness of it all’
Helen Browne
Sexual healthcare now considered a 'luxury'?
Women told to 'floss for fertility'
US medical authorities revoke licence of 'Octomom' doctor
Scientists grow sperm in laboratory
Laptops linked to toasty testicles