
# Fox News

All time
Paris says it will sue Fox News
Fox News says sorry for claiming non-Muslims can’t go to Birmingham
Fox News commentator says non-Muslims can't go to Birmingham, Twitter explodes
American weatherman has unfortunate Aengus Mac Grianna moment
The Pentagon says the Navy Seal who shot bin Laden should not reveal himself
Fox News called a female fighter pilot 'boobs on the ground' and people aren't happy
Fox News airs Dublin's 'fighting Spiderman' video instead of apology
Unlike Bill, Hillary Clinton has never smoked cannabis...and she doesn't intend to start
Here's why commas are extremely important
News station apologises after accidentally showing someone's penis
Video of Fox reporter's inappropriate remarks towards missing woman a fake
Watch this young dancing guy totally own a live news report
Teacher tells black student he can't wear Claus costume as 'Santa is white'
Fox News presenter says it's a "verifiable fact" that Santa is white
Fox News presenter falls asleep on air
Fox News mocks Chelsea Manning with "Dude (Looks Like A Lady)"
Why on earth would a Muslim be writing about Jesus?
TV hosts can't hide laughter after dull, dull, dull interview with Ryan Lochte
Garlic cheese & chips for Fox News, as it falls for... Supermac's
Videos: The moment US TV networks called the election for Obama
Fox News shows live footage of man shooting himself
Redistribution of wealth 'a foreign concept', says Mitt Romney
7 musicians who’ve told politicians to get their ‘mitts’ off their tunes
VIDEO: Fox News pundit drops F-bomb live on air... again
The Daily Fix: Tuesday
WATCH: Fox News guest drops F-bomb, refuses to apologise
FOX anchor tweets suggestion Obama threatened to kill Chelsea Clinton
Watch: Kermit responds to Fox News claim that Muppets push liberal agenda
FOX News Facebook page hit with threats after atheist interview
Fox News's hacked Twitter feed kills Obama
Ireland? Not America's problem, says Donald Trump
Meet the man who ruined baseball
Fox News falls for Islamic ban on padded bras hoax
Cringe: Fox News has no idea where Egypt is...
Palin defends claim of "blood libel" in Arizona aftermath
Fox News president urges left and right to tone down rhetoric (Photos, video)
Tea Party's O'Donnell cancels Sunday slots after 'witchcraft' relevation