
# Freedom of Information

All time
Released: Brian Lenihan’s letter where Ireland asks for a bailout
Britain blocks publication of Prince Charles letters
We asked for copies of the ECB’s letters to Brian Lenihan. Here’s what happened
Information Commissioner welcomes Freedom of Information reform
The Irish government will sell you a floppy disk for 51c
Banks could be subject to Freedom of Information requests under new regime
Cabinet holds last meeting before summer recess - so what's on the agenda?
Friday Dáil sees bipartisanship as Govt supports FOI legislation
€25k left unallocated for wheelchair-accessible taxis
Ombudsman still waiting for NAMA, Gardaí and Central Bank to be brought into FOI Act
Column: Cronyism and corruption – one quick change would help fight them
Donal Ó Brolcháin
Change to TDs’ expenses reduces chance of similar phone expenses exposé
Chairman opposes making NAMA subject to Freedom of Information laws
Gardaí and banks should be more transparent - Ombudsman
Column: Why should our government have the right to hide from its citizens?
Aaron McKenna
Varadkar not pleased with new rule that allows ministers to use bus lanes
Pivotal ruling may subject Nama to information requests
Saturday Night Show tops Late Late for guest costs
Angry Dáil exchanges over alleged pension levy 'cover-up'
Information Commissioner wants FOI legislation extended