
# funny video

All time
Baby girl reacts hilariously to tasting pineapple for the first time
Little kid outshines everyone else at wedding with amazing dance move
Baby alpaca tries to climb on its mam's back, mam says 'NOPE'
You're definitely going to root for this little ferret taking a leap of faith
Little boy attempts to master the art of whistling, fails adorably
Someone's mam tried to describe Inception, and it's glorious
This goat twisting its head around is straight out of The Exorcist
Woman gets wisdom teeth out, cries because she's not Nicki Minaj
This kid hamming it up on live TV is the true definition of 'seizing the moment'
This little boy is absolutely devastated that he can't get married yet
Here's an excruciating video of a girl trying to take the perfect selfie
This video of a hilarious playground 'rap battle' in the UK is going super viral
They're back! Two guys lip-sync elderly women's conversation, with excellent results
Dad shaves off his beard, baby girl has no idea who he is
Well-spoken little boy gives out to his mam for being pregnant
Little girl tries to convince mam she didn't eat a doughnut...with chocolate all over her face
Boy caught on camera dancing like nobody's watching, freaks out
Every short person will recognise this dog's struggle to reach his tennis ball
Baby boy freaks out way too much over a simple TV remote
Listen to this guy's incredible impression of Shaggy
Little boy has extremely melodramatic reaction to taking a plaster off
Toucan shows off in front of a traffic camera in Brazil
This man dancing joyously at a festival is the happiest person in the world
This farmer has a very unique way of gathering up his cattle
Guy plays techno classic Sandstorm on a kids' toy trumpet
Morgan Freeman chats to Jimmy Fallon on helium, remains amazing
Crutch-wielding grandpa busts it out on the dancefloor
Baby boy does an excellent impression of his pregnant mother
Just a load of cats, getting bad frights from moving carpets
Girl gets wisdom teeth out, demands to have sex with Ryan Gosling
Hilarious video shows what would happen if Google was a guy
Goat tries to make sense of an inflatable chair, fails
Somebody let this dog outside immediately
Pigeon tries to flirt with girl using mating dance, fails miserably
You need to watch this guy putting on his trousers without using his hands
Gutsy chipmunk attacks cat, avoids becoming dinner
Someone dubbed WWE commentary over a video of an extremely drunk man
This cat strutting confidently is you on this fine Friday morning
Man gets stuck at airport overnight, makes amazing music video
These kittens are suspiciously good at dancing