
# international travel

All time
Government considering whether to make it mandatory for a person to restrict their movements
Passengers from ‘orange’ regions will not have to restrict movements if they have a negative test 3 days before flying
Holohan raises concern about Christmas travel, says NPHET engaging with government on traffic light system
Taoiseach says it is 'far too early to say what type of Christmas we will be having'
NPHET yet to give advice on issue of people travelling home from abroad for Christmas
Government looking at rapid testing regime as means of easing Christmas travel restrictions
Explainer: International travel, domestic trips and Dubliners - here's what you need to know
14-day travel restrictions could be waived under government's new Covid roadmap
Passenger locator form information could be shared between Dublin and Belfast governments
Explainer: This is the current official advice on foreign travel
'Mixed messaging': Call for clarity on whether people should cancel holidays abroad
Travel to Italy and Spain skyrocketed last year
China is going to keep a very close eye on its own badly-behaved tourists