
# is

All time
Islamic State releases another beheading video
Opinion: Dramatic change is needed in American foreign policy – the people have no appetite for war
Larry Donnelly
Obama okays spy planes over Syria... but no airstikes yet
Opinion: The killing and imprisonment of journalists should concern us all
Kirsten Roberts
Opinion: The murder of James Foley will backfire spectacularly on Isis
Colm O'Mahony
Reports: 70 killed as Shiite militiamen open fire at Sunni mosque
Opinion: 'I ate leaves and grass to stay alive' – Iraqi families pushed from their homes by ISIS
Donatella Rovera
Debate Room: Was the New York Post's front page photo of James Foley unethical?
Caitriona O'Neill and William Gallagher
James Foley's family asks kidnappers to spare hostages after video of alleged beheading
Islamic State releases video claiming to show beheading of US journalist James Foley
20,000 Iraqis face 'mass atrocity and potential genocide within days or hours'
Who else, besides Americans, are flying military jets in Iraq? They might not be Iraqis...
US "urgently" shipping weapons to arm Iraqi Kurds against jihadists
Britain has started airdropping food and water to besieged Yazidi
Over 28,000 meals and 5,600 litres of water dropped over northern Iraq amid continued air strikes
Tensions flare as Kurds claim control of disputed northern oilfields in Iraq
Mass grave of 53 men, tied up and executed, found in Iraq
Iran might be helping Iraq to fight ISIS by providing military jets
Declaration of Isis caliphate doesn't mean anything, says US