
# Joan Burton

All time
#talktojoan is trending in Ireland... but not in a good way
Labour's latest social media campaign isn't going well
After Averil's shock departure, how do other parties shape up in terms of women?
€10m in child benefit was paid to people not entitled to it
Enda: There won't be a referendum on repealing the 8th amendment
Should the government call a cheeky election right now?
Forcing people to pay for their own retirement will 'put many jobs and businesses at risk'
Is Labour going nowhere under Joan Burton? We asked her...
In the mood for another referendum? Labour wants to repeal the 8th amendment
How much has Joan Burton's department spent on consultants?
Turns out no one wants a 21-year-old president
We asked Joan Burton to rule out another referendum if this one doesn't pass
A TD walks into a mart and says ’10% of you guys are gay’…
We asked every TD and Senator if they’re voting Yes or No. Here’s what they said...
Politicians tell us why they're voting Yes or No
Lots of TDs are breaking the rules and wearing Yes pins - but will they be punished?
Two more TDs have refused to remove their Yes Equality pins in Leinster House
Joan Burton's car blocked by protesters at same-sex marriage event
Same-sex marriage debate heats up amid growing fears of No vote
Joan Burton thinks Irish politicians need to be like the Girl Guides
Joan and Mary Lou just had a massive row about a metaphorical woman's shopping list
Murphy calls on KPMG to remove itself from Siteserv probe
Joan Burton speaks of her decades-long search for her birth parents
Alex White: 'Sinn Féin operates on smears ... they can't be taken seriously'
Labour is about to face ANOTHER headache over abortion
Why has support for Fine Gael and Labour fallen?
Here's What Happened Today: Sunday
"The No side seem fixated on the notion of the ‘ideal family’ – whatever that means"
Now Joan Burton has had a go at Mary Lou over her 'stunt politics'
Enda and Joan look beyond water ... to getting your vote
Joan Burton made a new friend today
Ruth Coppinger wouldn't have called Joan Burton the C-word
Burton returns to Dunnes where she used to work to show solidarity with workers
Joan Burton thinks RTÉ got a bit too excited about the water protests (but RTÉ doesn't agree)
The government has a grand plan for unemployed construction workers...
A parade through Dublin and several new proclamations: Here's how we'll mark the Rising's centenary
Ever heard of the Pole who helped Famine victims? He's been honoured in Dublin
Disappointment at "unusual" news that rent supplement limits won't be increased
There was another entertaining episode of Joan v Mary Lou in the Dáil today