
# Madonna

All time
Splitsville, population Kris and Bruce Jenner... it's The Dredge
Spencer from Made in Chelsea had a 'sixsome" and slept with a prostitute ... it's The Dredge
9 of the best bits from Madonna's AMA
The Dredge: How Victoria Beckham got duped by fake cronuts
Madonna visited Ireland in secret... it's The Dredge
What you need to know about Instagram video
How fake ‘celebrity geniuses’ fooled the internet
Frocktacular, frocktacular: What did the slebs wear to the Billboard Music Awards?
Famous people being punks at the Met Ball 2013
11 moments of George Clooney being George Clooney
Like a Virgin... like you've never heard it
The Dredge: Philip Schofield's drug shame*
11 duets we can't believed happened
The Dredge: The Obamas join Justin Timberlake in a sing-song
13 songs from the 90s that are smuttier than you remember
14 moments to remind you how amazing movie soundtracks used to be
11 moments that prove Christopher Walken is amazing
14 reasons why Elton John is totally ridiculous
Los Angeles want 1980s revival as they plan future Olympic bid
Are Madonna's photos too smutty for Instagram?
11 cover versions that prove the 1990s ruined music
Pop divas and funny faces: A beginner's guide
The 5 most epic Superbowl half-time shows of the last 20 years
12 actually honest things celebrities said in 2012
Lawsuit against Madonna dismissed in Russia
Oh dear. Madonna does Gangnam Style on stage in NYC
Private concert! 4 experiences you can buy from celebs
The Dredge: Does Justin Bieber have a sex tape?
Schmidt calls on new faces to up intensity levels after Munster test
8 people Suri Cruise is extremely disappointed by
The Dredge: Tom Cruise says it's all lies about the toilets
Bar Mitzvah Vogue-ing of the Day
Madonna* gets burnt by angry religious group
Elton John really, really doesn't like Madonna
Madonna calls for Pussy Riot pardon
Pussy Riot supporters hope Madonna will back campaign
WATCH: Ronan Keating acts, runs and cries in new video for Fires
MTV is now officially in its 30s! 7 must-watch vids that tell its story
Madonna blames 'thugs' for 'riot' at Paris show
VIDEO: Madonna gets her bottom out for Irish fans