
# Manufacturing

All time
The woman who took Primark global has a new job with Ireland's crafts body
The Irish woman who took Primark global has a new job with Ireland's crafts body
The long and winding career of Gary McGann - one of Ireland's best-known business leaders
The long and winding career of Gary McGann - one of Ireland's best-known business leaders
A company that makes buses quieter is hitching a ride off strict noise-pollution rules
'Being an entrepreneur is lonely. It's a bit like surfing - instinctive and solitary'
Ashleigh Smith
'Being an entrepreneur is lonely. It's a bit like surfing - instinctive and solitary'
Ashleigh Smith
A young Dublin med-tech firm has snared two pharma giants as its first customers
The creator of Skype is looking to take down couriers with his army of robots
The creator of Skype is looking to take down couriers with his army of robots
Your crash course in... The rise and fall of the 'Willy Wonka' energy firm that claimed to defy physics
'I got very little from school – the best lesson I ever learned was from selling piglets'
Seán Brett
Your crash course in... The rise and fall of Steorn, the energy firm that claimed to defy physics
'We treat the Cork family sawmill like a big company. Rivals cut logs, we make money'
'This is a 102-year-old family business - you don’t want anything to go wrong on your watch'
Falling sales of books, hardware and fuel are leading to a retail slowdown
'This is a 102-year-old family business - you don’t want anything to go wrong on your watch'
'I was good at copying at school. That might be a bad thing, but in business it isn’t always the case'
Shane Bonner
This company wants to change the entire fashion industry - by leasing people their jeans
This company wants to change the entire fashion industry - by leasing people their jeans
For the first time in years, Irish manufacturers say they don't plan on hiring any more staff
How a 'chance tweet' has helped put this Mayo-based robotics startup on the map
One of Ireland's richest men says building his €8bn firm happened by chance
A Tallaght security-tech firm has been snapped up by a German industry giant
'It was an easy decision to set up my own business because I had no choice - I needed a job'
Kate Purcell
In their quests for cheaper parts, plane and car makers are warming to 3D printing
The head of Irish biotech company Ourobotics has died unexpectedly
Galway beauty products supplier Lifes2Good topped €50m in sales last year
As farm incomes dwindle, getting farmers to embrace technology is a tough sell
Finance says we don't want 'brass-plate operations' after a meat giant's no-tax move
'The first day staff in the warehouse use our voice software is always a disaster. They are terrified'
The world's biggest meatpacker is moving to Ireland but don't expect it to pay much tax
The world's biggest meatpacker is moving to Ireland but don't expect it to pay much tax
After a decade of research, this spin-out company is about to build its world-first x-ray
Tesla wants to build a fully automated 'alien dreadnaught' factory
Nike is giving up on golf gear to sell more shoes and clothes
One of Ireland's top manufacturers could shift business to the North if the UK rolls out tariffs
'It's very difficult for traditional business to find funding because everyone is looking for apps'
The vast majority of Irish exporters say Brexit will have a negative impact on their business
How rising insurance costs are squeezing small Irish businesses dry