
# Mental Health Commission

All time
Almost half of all mental health care centres still use physical restraint
TD says sending children to adult psychiatric units is 'inhumane'
Unsuitable treatment for children in mental health units
Concerns over use of electroshock therapy on non-consenting patients
Over 100 children admitted to adult mental health units
Children's Ombudsman gains power to oversee 180 new state bodies
HSE care of depressed father to undergo 'comprehensive review'
In summary: Findings from unannounced visits to ten mental health facilities
Expected closure of St Senan's Hospital "most welcome" - report
Privacy improves at St Ita’s Hospital but units remain "unsuitable for residents" - report
'Unsuitable' psychiatric hospital continuing to admit patients
Call for changes in use of electro-convulsive therapy
Children sent to adult psychiatric units - despite new legal ban
Mental Health report: children being put in adult units