
# Netflix

All time
Here's why everyone hates Larry from Orange is the New Black
You could literally get paid to watch telly
Here's how long it would take you to binge watch these deadly TV shows
9 television-based horrors kids today will never have to face
Orange Is The New Black bingers are already having withdrawals
Remember Megavideo? Its founder is offering €3.7mn for dirt on the US Government
13 signs you need to step away from your Netflix
Orange Is The New Black: A handy guide to the show everyone's talking about
Orange is the New Black has taken over Dublin this morning
Got an email from Netflix today? Be careful as it could be a scam
14 ways to perfectly sum up love in 2014
A Netflix bug is accidentally creating brilliantly surreal movie mashups
13 pictures that perfectly sum up your life
What if Netflix was a real, extremely annoying person?
Netflix considers raising prices for new customers after strong start to the year
Now Microsoft and Yahoo are creating their original TV shows
Netflix pulled off the greatest April Fools' prank
This Post Will Decide Your Next TV Box Set
Arrested Development and House of Cards had a war of words on Twitter
Netflix engineers experiment with sleep tracking feature
Netflix deliver epic takedown of Amazon's drone plans in parody video
Turns out a lot of people binge-watched House of Cards last weekend
Your House of Cards spoilers rage is totally justified
House of Cards binges have hijacked Valentine's Day
Obama asks House of Cards fan not to tweet spoilers at him
What if company slogans actually told the truth?
Netflix finishes the year strong as total membership grows to 44 million
10 telling symptoms you're a certified television binger
Irish sketch exposes the agony of picking a film to watch with a group
Your next TV: Will it be Ultra HD?
Damien Kiberd: Why middle-aged men with money invest in Netflix...
Damien Kiberd
The last-minute gadget gift guide
Aaron Paul is going to be in a new Netflix animated comedy
Netflix gives its TV app a major makeover
Netflix to take on Hollywood with original movies
Avoid Breaking Bad Twitter spoilers with Netflix 'Spoiler Foiler'
Weird Wide Web: There's a Netflix for books and your phone can be a microscope
9 series on Netflix which might have passed you by
Google makes a play for TV streaming market
Netflix profits jump (but Wall Street isn't impressed)