
# Nicolas Sarkozy

All time
Le Pen takes surprise lead in French presidential polling
Former French president Jacques Chirac to stand trial on corruption charges
France's face veil ban to take effect next month
Sarkozy under pressure as French judges protest
Ireland's corporate tax rate comes under pressure at EU summit
Nobody defending corporate tax rate from Sarkozy - Gilmore
Sarkozy takes aim at Irish corporate tax rate
France and Germany dismiss prospect of common 'E-bonds'
Budget planning and bailout talks continue
EU leaders relieve pressure on Ireland over corporation tax
Greek parcel bomb addressed to Sarkozy
Pension reform bill is passed in France
French strikes costing economy €400 million a day
Police break blockade at oil depot near Paris
In pictures: Strikes continue across France
France sets for sixth day of nationwide strike action
UN rebukes France for mass-deportation of Roma
French labour minister questioned in l’Oreal probe
Carla Bruni - great singer, not so great actor
Sarkozy warns of revenge for aid worker's death
France celebrates Bastille Day amid controversy