
# Opera

All time
Isolation have you at your wit's end? The opera is being streamed every night if you fancy a change
Placido Domingo says he is 'truly sorry' after investigation finds multiple harassment complaints from women
This opera is bringing the stories behind Ireland's direct provision system to life
Spanish opera star Montserrat Caballe who duetted with Freddie Mercury, dies aged 85
Renowned US opera conductor facing allegations he sexually abused teenage boy
'It's alarming': Outrage over decision to remove housing units from Limerick development plans
German opera confronts Wagner's antisemitism head-on
Want your browser to continue where you left off? This is how
7 midweek events to check out this week
This privacy feature may convince you to give Opera browser a go
The greatest Irish short story ever written is getting a makeover
Looking for something different? This 15-mins of operatic agony might be it...
Want to separate work and play on your browser? Set up different profiles
I love to sing opera, jokes Wayne Rooney
This is the mobile browser Apple should have made
This Italian opera has dark parallels to a time in Ireland's past
Thought opera was elitist? These shows could change your mind
You never know what you'll hear on Dublin's streets today...
Column: Debauchery, drinking and chaos - The beginner's guide to opera
Rosemary Collier
British newspaper reviewers accused of 'fat-shaming' Irish singer
Looking for a sound investment? Adopt a soprano
Brokeback Mountain opera to open in Spain with 'discreet' love scenes
New musical tells life of Jesus through music of Britney Spears
Video: A night at the opera... with Gangnam Style
Internationally renowned Wexford Festival Opera attracts 'heartening endorsement'
Missing: one parrot, loves opera-singing and answers to the name 'Captain'
Coming to a stage near you: Clinton - The Opera