
# president

All time
Enda Kenny says he doesn't want to be President of Ireland
Death toll in Italy earthquake rises to at least 250 as questions mount
Philippines president says threat to pull country out of UN was just a 'joke'
Nicolas Sarkozy declares candidacy for French presidential election
Citizens in the US don't actually elect the president - it's more complicated than that
Explainer: How Brazil brought impeachment charges against its president
Democratic National Convention kicks off in Philadelphia with huge protests
Cruz shocks Republican convention by refusing to endorse Trump
Turkey suspends 15,000 education staff after failed coup attempt
Poll: Would you vote for Hillary or Donald?
"Shoot him and I'll give you a medal" - Philippine president encourages citizens to shoot drug dealers
Poll: Do you want Michael D Higgins to serve a second term as president?
Ex-Miss Turkey sentenced for 'publicly insulting' the president
This is what needs to happen for Donald Trump to beat Hillary Clinton
Farmers put pay scandal behind them and elect new IFA president
North Korea is gearing up for ANOTHER nuclear test, its neighbours say
Can President Higgins bang political heads together to form a government?
Ex-girlfriend of Bolivian president ordered to prove baby they had together is still alive
Online group Anonymous aims to bring down major Trump site
Egyptian president sparks outrage by laying out giant red carpet for his motorcade to drive on
There were some familiar faces at this morning's Council of State meeting
Sepp Blatter says corruption charge dropped
President Higgins uses annual fireside chat to call for greater solidarity with refugees
Brolly to reign? Joe considering run for Irish presidency
Jerry Beades launches legal challenge against nomination of next president of the High Court
Here's a glimpse of what Donald Trump's America will look like
Larry Donnelly
IFA pay scandal: President steps back as review of top salaries begins
Wealthy ex-football executive, once kidnapped for ransom, elected president of Argentina
7 ways Mary Robinson WAS nineties Ireland
Netanyahu's new PR director: 'John Kerry has the mental age of a 12-year-old'
Vice President of tiny tropical nation accused of plotting to kill the President
Coca-Cola, McDonald's say Fifa's Blatter must resign now
It's (finally) official: Marriage Equality is now enshrined in Irish law
Take a look inside the Clintons' $50,000-a-week mansion
British Olympic gold winner becomes new IAAF President in wake of doping controversies
Former US president Jimmy Carter has announced he is battling cancer
This is really happening - Donald Trump is killing it at the polls
Obama weighs in on sexual assault allegations against Bill Cosby
Sepp Blatter: I have not resigned
Donald Trump is running for president (for real this time)