
# Prime Numbers

All time
Teeth, taxes and Junior Certs: the week in numbers
Medals, meat and dirty diamonds: the week in numbers
Pensions, the internet and whiskey: The week in numbers
Michael D, rugby and video games: The week in numbers
Points, petrol and Roses of Tralee: The week in numbers
Blood, books, bombs and boxing: The week in numbers
Medals, marathons and urine tests: London 2012 in numbers
Revenue, Bolt and Burger King: The week in numbers
Babies, beauty pageants and Bakhurst: The week in numbers
Football, flats and detached retinas: The week in numbers
TV, air travel and underpants: the week in numbers
Crystal, cricket and Croatian boobs: the week in statistics
VAT, hospitals and the speed of light: the week in statistics
In numbers: Ireland's referendum on the Fiscal Compact
Foreign aid, college fees and pregnancies: the week in statistics
Facebook, lightning and Euro 2020: the week in statistics
Movies, MPs and Angry Birds: the week in statistics
Rain, post offices and skyscrapers: the week in statistics
Questions, run-offs and the latest census: the week in numbers
Skodas, jets and the Lotto: the week in statistics