
# Putin

All time
Vladimir Putin addresses rally in Moscow as Russian troops continue assault
Tom Clonan: Russia will now target more innocent civilians to achieve 'victory' in this war
Tom Clonan
Reader Q&A: Your questions about the Russian invasion of Ukraine answered
What are war crimes - and could Putin face trial for Russia's invasion of Ukraine?
Pence takes swipe at Trump and ‘apologists for Putin’
Opinion: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has the Kremlin battling for hearts and minds at home
Cynthia Hooper
Ukrainian issues emotional plea to Boris Johnson for no-fly zone to prevent Russian bombing
Biden unveils 'severe' economic sanctions to make Putin a 'pariah on international stage'
EU agrees to freeze Putin, Lavrov assets over Ukraine invasion
Freezing assets of Putin and Lavrov ‘absolutely appropriate’ – Simon Coveney
Visa requirements between Ukraine and Ireland lifted with immediate effect
The Explainer: Why did Vladimir Putin invade Ukraine?
Timeline: Months of tension ahead of Russia's invasion of Ukraine
Russian troops on the border with Ukraine are 'poised to strike', says US defence secretary
Putin told me Russia will not escalate Ukraine crisis, says Macron
Opinion: Putin's obsession with making Russia great again is driving his approach to Ukraine
Hannah McCarthy
What will next week's Russian manoeuvres off Ireland look like and what's the overall strategy?
Tom Clonan: Russia's decision to locate off Ireland gives the two-fingers to the US, EU & NATO
Tom Clonan
Tom Clonan: Is Russia planning on invading Ukraine?
Tom Clonan
Russia would 'pay a heavy price' if it invades Ukraine, Joe Biden says
Explainer: What's the latest with Russia-Ukraine tensions and is an invasion likely?
Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin hold call on Ukraine military tensions
Biden and Putin to hold call amid growing tension over Russian troops at Ukraine border
'An attack on civil society': Court shuts down another human rights group in Russia
US intelligence finds Russia planning Ukraine invasion
Joe Biden warns Vladimir Putin against Ukraine invasion
US warns Russia of 'high-impact' sanctions if it invades Ukraine
Pro-Kremlin party looks set to retain majority in Russian parliament
Putin's party set to retain Russian parliament majority after polls
Navalny app removed from Apple and Google as Russians vote in election
Putin says dozens of inner circle infected with coronavirus
Putin self-isolates after Covid cases in inner circle
No joint press conference and no breaking of bread: Biden and Putin meet at Geneva summit
Putin warns Russia’s enemies they ‘will feel sorry for their deeds’
Alexei Navalny ‘could die at any moment’, doctor says, as hunger strike continues
Putin signs law allowing him to serve two more terms
Irish regulator says government right to wait for EMA approval before using other vaccines
Kremlin critic Navalny reveals conditions in 'concentration camp' prison
Russian court orders Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny to be jailed for 30 days
Russia, China, Brazil among nations staying silent as world congratulates Biden