
# savita

All time
HIQA board to decide if it will investigate Savita death today
Number behind abortion robo-calls shut down
Minister's Indian mission comes two days after immigration fees doubled
HIQA considers request to hold statutory investigation into Savita death
Opposition calls for Taoiseach to meet with Savita's husband
Deadline for HSE response to HIQA over Savita death today
Praveen Halappanavar: "I still can't believe that she's not with us"
HSE names new members of Savita investigation team
Minister Reilly "quite happy" for HSE inquiry into Savita death to continue
Amid Savita death concerns, Minister bids to attract Indian students to Ireland
Kenny claims Halappanavar legal team preventing meeting with inquiry chair
Savita's husband will not speak to expert heading HSE inquiry
Column: I'm so grateful I had an unplanned pregnancy in America, not Ireland
Catherine W
The Evening Fix... now with added modelling granddad
LIVE: Dáil debates motion demanding legislation for the X Case
Reilly: Savita inquiry must be expedited to ensure no risk remains at GUH
McDonald on X Case motion: "The time for playing cat and mouse is over"
Savita: Galway University Hospital staff removed from Investigation Team
Government WILL publish report of Expert Group on abortion ruling
HSE to examine make up of panel, says it takes husband's concerns 'extremely seriously'
TDs won't get to vote on Sinn Féin's abortion motion. Here's why
FG distances itself from Young Fine Gael branch over abortion stance
Oireachtas Committee to meet Minister for Health James Reilly today
Bishops: Treatment that might put foetus at risk "ethically permissible"
The Evening Fix... now with added tastes from home
In aftermath of Savita death, Richard Branson recalls arrest for selling condoms in Ireland
HSE announces details of Savita Halappanavar investigation
McDonald: Parties should "do the right thing," despite individual beliefs
Details of HSE inquiry into Savita Halappanavar's death may be published today
Government likely to make X Case decision early next year - Reilly
Father of Savita Halappanavar 'calls for change in abortion law'
Thousands attend rally in Dublin city centre