
# Scientists

All time
Top scientists meet to discuss how a cure for AIDS can become a reality
Scientists have figured out what caused the Irish Famine
Scientists identify early predictors for Huntington's disease
VIDEO: Scottish scientists turn whiskey waste into fuel
Geminid meteors to rain on Ireland tonight
US pair share chemistry Nobel for cell receptors
Fukushima caused mutant butterflies: scientists
Higgs boson: CERN scientists say they've found a new particle...
Link established between autoimmune diseases and nanoparticles in polluted air
VIDEO: How to... get the last bit of ketchup out of the bottle
Watch: Japanese scientists unveil 'speech jamming' gun
Iran produces its first nuclear rod
Galway team pinpoints part of brain which produces "marijuana-like substances" to dull pain
Immune system discoveries lead to Nobel prize
Superdrug could cure all viral infections
Irish scientists discover new life beneath the sea
NASA discovers evidence of water on Mars
Dieting forces the brain to eat itself - report
Extinction of ocean life is ‘speeding up’
New way of killing tumours found by Queen's University scientists
Scientists grow sperm in laboratory
Bats have accents, say scientists