
# screening

All time
'PSA' prostate cancer screening reduces deaths by a fifth
'Once you say you're HIV positive, you can't take it back'
Opinion: Why are some women avoiding cervical cancer screening?
Marie Kotzur
TV3 confirm they have won broadcasting rights for the 2015 Rugby World Cup
Interview: Pat Falvey on The Summit – It’s a story about eleven dreamers that died that day
Christina Finn
Reilly: Chlamydia screening programme 'would not be cost-effective'
Well-off 'more likely to have cervical cancer screening' - except in Northern Ireland
Hewlett-Packard launches free cancer screening for all employees
VIDEO: Your weekend movies... Hansel, Gretel, and Marky Mark
Cystic Fibrosis Association welcomes granting of licences for embryo testing
Breast cancer screening "reduces deaths, but over-diagnoses"
Older women not availing of important cervical cancer screenings - report
Bowel cancer screening programme to be phased in this year
James Bond to raise money for Irish charities
In photos: what has US airport security confiscated this week?
Airports and alarms: Commission outlines plan to boost EU security industry
Bowel cancer screening delayed until next year