
# Spanish economy

All time
ECB continues to ease off on bond-buying programme
Crisis averted? ECB eases off on bond-buying
What is ‘short selling’ – and has it made any difference to the markets?
Dow disaster: 632-point drop is the 6th-worst in history
US markets continue nosedive as investors dump shares for bonds
Barroso warns: the Eurozone debt crisis is spreading
Europe teeters on the brink as Spanish, Italian borrowing costs rise
Bailed-out Ireland could stump up €11.1 billion… to pay for new bailout fund
Bond yields dive, and Euro up, as markets embrace Brussels deal
Bond markets turn up the heat on Spain and Italy
Ruling Socialists take battering in Spanish local elections
Protests grip Spain - in spite of ban - as regional elections draw near
The Spanish Corner: board delight as fans mourn the imminent departure of Flores
Moody's warns of downgrade to Spanish debt
ECB bought €2.7bn of bonds last week alone
Euro rallies after Spain offloads new bonds
Has the contagion been stopped? EU bond yields dive
Bailout fund will be increased if needed - German bank chief
EU to tell Ireland: Take a bailout today