
# Strikes

All time
TSSA to ballot for industrial action for Bus Eireann workers
Clashes erupt in Europe anti-austerity protests
Hurricane Sandy strikes Cuba, Jamaica
'Several' South African miners shot dead by police
Unions threaten summer strike action at Aer Lingus
Use of drones 'ethical' and 'wise' says White House adviser
Over 3,500 days lost to industrial disputes in 2011
Australian court orders an end to the Qantas dispute
Burma allows trade unions for first time since 1962
Strikes and sit-ins ahead of a crucial week for Greece
Greece strikes over austerity measures
'Robo-Ed': Miliband gives identical answers to every question
While Greece riots, Italy passes €47bn austerity plan
Public sector strikes hit Britain
Pension reform bill is passed in France
Police break blockade at oil depot near Paris
Lady Gaga postpones Paris gigs as French strikes continue
In pictures: Strikes continue across France
Blockade puts pressure on French fuel supplies amid new terror warning