
# Tayto

All time
Irish Tayto is way nicer than Nordie Tayto
Tayto chocolate chip cookies are now a thing
Tayto chocolate chip cookies are now a thing
A popular British YouTuber just reviewed Tayto chocolate and he was baffled
Do Irish crisps always go out of date on a Saturday?
Mr Tayto went to Coppers last night to celebrate the All Ireland Final
This Tayto chicken fillet roll recipe will change your life
9 delicious-sounding foods you can make with Tayto crisps
Life inside the Mr Tayto costume – an exposé
Life inside the Mr Tayto costume - an exposé
10 essential facts of life for Irish people who don't like potatoes
This is the coolest (and most hypnotising) way crisps are made at Tayto Park
Aer Lingus has solved the problem of dodgy airline food once and for all
We rode the Tayto Park rollercoaster - here's what we learned
Is this Ireland's oldest Tayto bag?
9 majestic crisp sandwiches that'll leave you salivating
TV licences, Tayto sandwiches and Operation Transformation: The week in numbers
A shop devoted to Tayto sandwiches is coming to Dublin
Tayto are opening an actual crisp sandwich café in Dublin
Mr Tayto is an absolute creeper in his latest TV ad
Irish lad in Canada opens package from home, hilariously lists contents
Twink, Superquinn sausages, Irish Water, and punts: Ireland by numbers in 2014
Tayto crisps, Mary Lou McDonald, and U2: The week in numbers
Irish emigrants miss this food the most.... (can you guess?)
Hear Eva Longoria try to say 'Tayto crisps' in an Irish accent
Mr Tayto has written a heartbreaking open letter about his relationship with Eva Longoria
Eva Longoria got more than 100 packs of Tayto delivered to her room
Eva Longoria has basically done every single tourist activity in Dublin today
Remember when Tayto packets looked like this?
Every Irish childhood summed up in one flavour
This Twitter campaign is hurling bitter accusations at Mr Tayto
Mr Tayto's stumbling Australian television debut is magnificent
A 'black day' for Donegal Gaeltacht as 140 jobs go at Largo Foods
Anchorman cast take the ultimate Irish taste test: Tayto versus King
6 controversial Irish questions... answered by Una Healy
Chocolate-covered crisps are now a reality in the US
25 good things that have happened since the last budget
Here's the proper way to open a packet of crisps in the pub
ALERT! There are new Tayto flavours!
Pat Kenny answers the big question: King or Tayto?