
# Terrorist

All time
Plan to shut down mobile phones in G8 terror event signed into law
President Higgins asked to sign 'mobile phone shutdown' laws early
Mobile phone networks could be shut off during G8 due to terror threats
Leading anti-death penalty lawyer to defend Boston bombings suspect
Terrorist explosion kills nine in Damascus
Man sentenced to six years for firearms and terrorist-related offences in Belfast
Upscale NYC couple arrested after bomb making equipment found
Fifteen killed in Syria car bombing
Car bombs rip through Damascus killing 34
CCTV footage shows Anders Breivik parking van at explosion scene
Chris Brown's mother defends his Halloween costume on Twitter
Man arrested over plot to blow up Federal Reserve in New York
US warns of 'imminent attack' in Kenya's Mombasa
Lockerbie bomber dies in Libya: report
Survivors of Breivik gun attack describe shootings
The world reacts to the death of Bin Laden
US official: Bin Laden's body buried at sea
Domodedovo airport attack targeted foreigners, say officials