
# Text

All time
Whatsapp experiences busiest day as it handled 64 billion messages in 24 hours
#NoMakeupSelfie donations double overnight to over €475k
These are the worst things people do in a WhatsApp group
Boss accidentally sends mortifying text to the employee the text was about
8 absolutely mortifying things you're cringing about right now
Clare council to text people about road closures, bad weather and more
The 5 rules of texting etiquette that everyone needs to know
Gardaí launch 'text alert' service to tackle rural crime
VIDEO: You'll never text and drive after watching this
Why older people struggle to read fine print - study
Catherine Gowing: Partial text sent to colleague on weekend she disappeared
Texting more popular than phone chatting in UK
Useful Tech Advice of the Day from O2: Turn it off and turn it back on again
PGA Tour to allow fans to use mobile phones on the course … if they behave